Thursday, January 3, 2013

Planetary Alignment, and How to Wear a Python Onesie

I’ve been wearing a lot of reptile prints the last six months or so – one could argue that Maison Martin Margiela, Loehmann’s and a militia of gay men who work as professional trendmakers are indirectly responsible for introducing this exotic animal pattern and texture to my wardrobe.  This stylistic compulsion could also have been fueled by an impulse to embody the snake -- to shed the old skin; to slither around, over and through impossible obstacles; to move quickly and stealthily.  The snake was one of four animals in the martial art I used to practice – however it wasn’t my personal ‘spirit animal;’ mine was the crane – a large bird with long legs, a long neck, massive wings, and a propensity for elaborate mating dances. . . AHEM.  Anyway, cranes are fast, fierce and usually airborne, so watch out!  This description is consistent with what Hector at Miami Beach’s ‘I Run’ shop told me a couple of hours ago after videotaping my running style on a treadmill.   He showed me my video in slow motion – which revealed a tendency to be hovering above ground a lot.  Hmm.  Too much flying, then landing without the right shoes might account for a lot of my injuries.  I’m starting the new year with new shoes – hideous florescent things, but Hector claims that old school running shoes (big ugly ones that weigh more than five ounces) are the way to go. . . sorry to burst your bubbles, barefoot runners and Vibram aficionados!


In December, I spent a week in my favorite paradise in Colombia, training with some clear-eyed sages on the dynamics of the animal kingdom, did some cleaning up and made room for vision.  December 21, 2012 – no great surprise – turned out to be little more than a rather successful marketing scam for selling apocalypse survival kits and resort packages – and was celebrated throughout Latin America as much as it was dreaded by new age spiritualists.  Word on the street is that while the latter foretold a doomsday, their anxiety was perhaps owing to a misinterpretation of the Mayan teachings.  It wouldn’t be the first time that people had different interpretations of the same information; I guess this inconsistency is what creates the kaleidoscope of life, dizzying as it can be.



I’ve avoided consulting the oracles too extensively on the upcoming Year of the Snake – which actually doesn’t begin officially until February.  While 2012 involved big upheavals for a lot of people around me and certainly included dramatic shifts throughout the world on many levels, 2012 was my year (Year of the Dragon), and was less apocalyptic for me personally than for some of my compatriots.  I prefer a more subtle and on-going ‘unveiling’ rather than a big dramatic one -- I guess we don’t always get to choose – or maybe we do get to choose and we just don’t always realize we have a choice.  In any case, apparently lots of Chinese people scheduled their pregnancies and births for 2012, hoping to bear lucky and powerful babies – as dragons are reputed to be.  I’m going with my intuitive understanding of the focus of the Snake year -- to let go of that which no longer fits or suits you.  That’s why I was forced to buy three new bikinis. 

From cleansing and consciousness building to – well, we’ll just say a ‘different’ sort of consciousness, I teamed up with Doug in Miami for the new year – after a lovely visit to my family in Boston for Christmas.  Having recently watched “The Queen ofVersailles” on Netflix, I’d had my primer on Florida and the internal platform-wearing, boob job-donning, paparazzi-attracting glitterati -- and co-mingled among them in South Beach. . . sort of.  I did meet what Doug and I consider a 'spirit visitor' on New Year's Eve.  Doug and I had just made our wishes and set them into the flames, and he appeared out of nowhere and started asking me questions.  He was recovering from a bad trip -- and he watched The Snow's one and only and soon-to-be-accompanied music video and told me that I am a genius.  I'm pretty sure he wasn't still tripping but one never knows.  I did appreciate his enthusiasm and interest, and that he put down his box of raw food and his carrot juice and immersed himself completely on his iPhone, listening to the lyrics and understanding all the layers and details quite lovingly considered by the songwriter, the director and all participants.

Getting back to layers and the idea of finding the right balance between the old and the new, all the hotels along the strip in South Beach maintain their original signs and marquees – so most of the hotels have not one, but two names and identities.  In the Native American tradition, it would be sort of like ‘Dances With Wolves. . . and Also Wears Tranny Heels.’  I guess it’s these sorts of dualities and contradictions and layers that make us interesting.  The key is knowing when it’s time to employ the sugar scrub, shed the old skin, replace the running shoes, and step out into the new day in a costume that fits perfectly and makes you look like your hot amazing self.


new skin